Tips To Save Money Until The Cows Come Home

Dairy cows feeding in a free livestock stall

Keeping up with cows may seem expensive, as you already have enough mouths to feed when counting your family. Why add more? You might be surprised to learn that it doesn’t cost as much as you think, and we’ve collected ten tips from Successful Farming for saving even more.

Know the Needs Per Season

Cows eat different amounts of food and need different nutrients depending on their stage of life.

Purchase Sustainable Hay

There are labs that will test your hay for its nutritional value. It is worth paying the fee to know what you are giving your cows!

Choose Value and Quality

Don’t just go for the cheapest hay or the most expensive. Look at the value, and you might be surprised that the middle price point has just the same nutrients as the expensive hay.

Grazing Corn is Okay

When cows graze, they will eat selectively, including the most nutrient-dense parts of corn.

Mix Up Feed

Spread the feed out a little more by mixing corn and grains in a bale.

Grow More Corn

If you have the space to grow more corn for grazing, you will save when you don’t have to buy it.

Limit the Space

Cows in confinement don’t burn as many calories.  Therefore, they don’t need as much food.

Add Nutrients

It’s called ammoniating bales, and it can increase the protein and TDN.

Make it a Table Meal

Use a feed bank. This reduces waste significantly versus feed spread on the ground. You could even get a bunk feeder!

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Find What Works For You

You will find some things work great and others do not. A profitable farm is one with the lowest costing cows.

Put a little extra work in upfront to find out where you can cut costs a little more.

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