How To Build A Bullet Journal

A cozy mental health break with an open journal, pen and coffee cup.

A cozy mental health break with an open journal, pen and coffee cup.

You may have seen examples of bullet journaling online and fallen in love. But starting can be challenging, especially if you’re afraid of mistakes. Don’t let worry over mistakes or your artistic ability keep you from starting. Here are some useful tips for building your bullet journaling habit.

Make a Commitment to Begin

The biggest hurdle many people face is never starting in the first place. For instance, you might be afraid of making mistakes. In addition, you might see complex examples online and think your journal won’t be as good. But the good part of making this kind of journal is making it yourself. And everyone has to start somewhere. Try sketching out things in pencil first so you can erase and redraw. Then go back over in pen or marker.

Keep It Simple

As you become more confident, you can add more and more detail. But trying to create complicated designs right off the bat can overwhelm you. Instead, try simple page setups first as you build your journaling skills. In addition, online videos and tutorials are great resources.

Build from the Basics

There are several elements you’ll see in most of the online videos and examples you’ll find. In fact, you will likely see that classic bullet journaling includes an index, future log, monthly log, and daily log. The index is a way to build a handy reference for pages you will revisit. Then the different logs help you get a big-picture and small-picture view of your tasks. However, you can skip the elements you don’t want. For example, you might not add a future log into your bullet journal.

Options to Consider

Many people stick to the original bullet journal system. But some like to add in other things, like a weekly log. Remember, the journal should be a helpful tool. As a result, adding a page for goals, books to read, or habit tracking could be smart. Putting in the tools you like will make you more likely to use the journal.

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More Tips to Try

To begin, you only need a pen and a notebook. But if you’re nervous you’ll mess up, try a few pages in a practice notebook first. Of course, sketching in pencil first is another good trick. If you aren’t sure what to include in your journal, start an ideas file. In fact, you can find great prompts and examples on Pinterest. And when you look for ideas, think about what you want your journal to do. For example, decide on your goals or what you want to organize. Your journal can help you rethink time management, study habits, or personal and health goals. Finally, set aside a few minutes each day for your journaling. If you need to, set the alarm to help you build the habit.

Bullet journals can be a fun and satisfying way to get a new perspective on your goals. Try it today!

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